Monday, December 21, 2009

Blue Waffle Infection

feel a Re Impregnated Slow-action

() I feel a nice reaction, but,
() nose and put ,
() nose at what point to say

() because the empty nest
() seems to be a pop

() but are you, me,
() who cares address
() if in the end it is a silly reaction.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ex Mod Boats/ships For Sale

Subtle Red Fire Sculpture

If you could see my shadow,
'd see the silhouette of my arms covering your world
feel the joy of our new course.

@ 1: I want to get into your warm crib,
and refine my visit with the wood of this hostel.

@ 2: I'm Waiting, to quietly slip the lock,
and heat wrap me .. dim ... red.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What Happens To 35mm Film When Exposed To Water


Behind the window,
Lion mane harp figure. Front

calm your look with claw guard,
ready for any fracture.

Within the herd,
raises your figure with firm Sculpture.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Amyl Nitrate Poland Sales

A simple lie,
breath and opened the wound.

Adventure launches wind
Tempest for
who is Driven to Fly.

Fearful and sensitive
flies each pistil.

your sweetness
Graft in a new destination.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Convert Rear Speakers To Wireless

Driven to Fly Fish, just go to seed

Parading is a fish in water Free
, moving in its way,
wearing his bright streak of color. Sweet and nuanced

is seaweed;
dancing under water will attract,
echoing chants tricksters.

enrredez Never ...
because they are the one deceived;
Pez, nothing careful, nothing cautious
Pez, just go to apply ...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Easiest Way To Remove Stomach Hair Men


In one dimension
prisoner of its own frame;
feel inside, then dreams
its mission.

In another dimension,
war with its own shell;

feel the outside makes it his mission to repel.

Ignorant seed
enthusiastic about exploring, researching, engaging in the adventure
a mistake, to learn, of any element
the wisdom of nature. Pasaran

stations ...
when it springs from your pod,
encapsulated seed.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

How Does A Magnetic Field Look

Encapsulated Aroma Balancing Almond Seed

tireless behind your milestones;
Why only you delight? ....
I see attached and grateful.

're beautiful, beautiful, and you know it! You
Color and Tint, and reflex!
but ... at the same time, cold and frozen
you, and you damage! You are prohibited
and others;
and pull me with cries!

do not know the Aroma in the Balance,
that does not mean he does not know how to look and live.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Super Pump 250 Mix With Creatine

almond seeds,
dry rock or no breaks, no seat, no tears;
about any of my mouth.

Seed sweet almond oil
pious taste, desire

toiled which you melt in my mouth and let your scent.

almond seeds because I can not break your ...
exploring you because I can not ...
because I am an almond
that being in love.