Monday, March 22, 2010

Should I Put Heat On Sebaceous Cyst

Adelino Moll Espanya get the victory in the March III Tibi Mtb

On Sunday Bike Adventure Elx team played the first test of the Second Circuit in Alicante Marches, which took place in Tibi, in his third start of Btt. This was dressed with an unexpected guest, the weather, which made the circuit in a living hell for the vast majority of participants, more than 400. The rain began to fall during the night of Saturday, did not cease during the development of the test. Thus, the second part of the march became a trap for bikers. The mud accumulated more if it increased the difficulty of the course and produced the breakdown of many bicycles. Included the participation of Nico Terol, alcoyano motorcycle racer who finished third last 125-cc motorcycle world
As the results of the march, noted the large image displayed by the Elx Adventure Bike riders, who were always fighting for the top positions. Proof of this was the brilliant victory achieved by Adelino Moll to finish in 2h 14min. despite the mud. The Elx Adventure Bike rider got in first position at the beginning of the course and not leave at any time, also getting a prized ham to go first in the first pass through the finish line. In second place came Javier Chenoll (Ford Sarrasqueta), followed by David Martinez (CC Tibi).
Saor Moll entered in position 17, resulting climb on the podium as the second sub-23 in goal, behind Omar Guerrero. Third was Jesus Hernandez (CC Orihuela Mtb). Also highlight the great career that made Estela Belda, only female who managed to finish the race for the great mire, with a time of more than 4h. In For the rest of our riders, Alejandro Ruiz stood in line in the 35 position overall and 18 Master-30, and Javier Botella at the 58 position overall and fifth sub-23. Roberto Sánchez could not finish the race due to technical problems caused by mud, when he was third in the race.
The next round of the Bike Adventure Elx is the second round of Spain's Open to be held on Sunday in Huelva, which will move Roberto Sánchez and Adelino Moll.

test images here

Monday, March 15, 2010

What Is A 7.5 Tonne Vehicle Operators Licence


On Saturday the team Bike Adventure Elx moved up Banyoles (Girona ) to participate in the first test of Open BTT Espanya. The premiere of the competition attracted nearly 550 entries. The test gave a great day of cycling in a spectacular setting and a very favorable weather, with sunshine, clear skies and very pleasant temperatures above 10 degrees, a very remarkable condition considering the week of snow and intense cold that has plagued the last few days many of Catalunya. That if the circuit still presented points with snow and mud by the storm.
At 10 am, in the first race of the day taking out some classes, such as Junior , Master 30 and females who would complete four laps of the circuit. In the category Master -30, Francesc Carnicer , Massi team took a narrow victory, winning by 10 seconds Alexandre Munoz and 48 on Agustín Navarro. Our broker Roberto Sánchez got a magnificent 30 position and Alejandro Ruiz ended in the post 60. Emphasize that our scouts Bike Adventure Elx out the back of the grid due to an error in the registration, before taking over 150 runners.

At 12 noon turned out to the premier class of the test, the male Elite, with the big stars who came to this test Banyoles, near Sub classes Sub 23 and 21.

The participants in this second round had to complete five laps on the circuit, a first turn on a loop of 6 miles and four laps to go the route extending to 7.2 kilometers. Frenchman Julien
Absalon (Orbea ) there was no margin for surprise and was raised with an undeniable triumph Banyoles. The double Olympic champion quickly took the handle of the pack and began to dial a relentless pace that allowed him to stand out from the bulk of rivals. Iñaki Lejarreta , managed to keep the wheel of the Gaul, but began to give ground in the second round. The third place was another solo defended team riders Orbea, Rubén Ruzafa . Fourth was the comon Carlos Rioja ( MSC Bikes ) while slightly further back was José Antonio Hermida ( Multivan Merida ). As for our runners, Adelino Moll end in position 46 overall, 31 more Elite , after a very consistent race. Saor Moll get finished in position 79 of the general, being ranked 18 Sub 21.

After these great results, the Bike Adventure Elx will move to complete the Tibi, Alicante to participate in the first place scoring Alicantino Circuit.
More photos here.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Where Can I Buy A Cricket Bat In Amsterdam


contrast" to the brightness native
'Two windows to appreciate
"active sea gallop,
" Under the Jacal
that" now is Mio.

"Get the look, not bushed
" That the quiet Jacal
" has all the power

Achilles' Now, I feel the palm of your hand
Mia "that sustains me, because:
" Yours, my accomplishments
"Mias, my

matches" Mia, thanks for your sympathy
be faithful "Mia's eyes, that shines!
"in this new opportunity was born ...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why Did A Brazilian Wax Give Me A Rash?

Master Your Sympathy

"Good Morning children, this morning we
Initiate our classes,
taking our pen and notebook ready and attentive
every few
of our seats."

In most small and action
would echo the words of Miss USA in that sentence.

But there, will get a
edge among each of these heads
aligned and tuned in the classroom.

When moving, fidgeting,

decentralize the class talking, jokes, jokes, and even eating paper

The Super Mega Hyper Agent


- Ah, Heriberto, you again!
going to class, do not want to do their homework

- No teacher
happens that my colleagues are slow to be
and my mission is to help you
namely, who is not right.

- Come then, come forward;

move his feet fast and teach their tasks on paper.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Acl Mobility Superstore

Open First test of the CV Polop Autonomic Quesa

On Sunday Bike Adventure Elx team moved to the Alicante town of Polop to play the first test scoring of Mount Bike Open Valencia, in a circuit of constant changes in rhythm, in the the rain did act presence for most of the morning. This test also served to members of the team premiered the new equipment that will narrow during 2010. In the elite
Adelino Moll managed a creditable fourth place, behind Josep Betalú (Progress Cycling) winner of the event, Isaka De la Fuente (Auto Sarrasqueta) i Jose Manuel Benito (Progress Cycling). In the U-23, Saor Moll did get on the podium to get third in the line, behind Vincent Solbes (Kadus storms) i Paul Albert (Mapelor Valencia). This category also ran Javier Botella, who in his return to Mtb was able to enter sixth.

As for the Masters-30 our representative Alejandro Ruiz could not finish the race due to technical problems. The best result achieved in the morning so our Estela Belda, who scored another win more for their extensive list, coming ahead of Maria Mercedes Olivares (CC Altea).

Moreover, Roberto Sanchez, she moved to the town of Tobarra to challenge the scoring underway for the Albacete circuit, which managed to stand second in the line, but got the victory in the Master -30. Next Sunday

runners Bike Adventure Elx they moved to Banyoles (Girona) to contest the first round of the Open de España Superprestigio-Mtb.

test photos Polop: here

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kates Playground Breast Implants

Some Consequences

............................................. .........
"The consequences are inevitable"
.......................................... ............
letter out of my life unspoken and anchored
SAL corroding the whole alphabet of my calendar
SAL foaming waves
MAR ........................... .............................. SAL
WINDOW TOMORROW not enter because

(inspired by:)

"The consequences," the new album
Enrrique Bunbury Amigo Mio Cid

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Follow Up Email After Interview

Images made by our photographer Mari: here