Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why Did A Brazilian Wax Give Me A Rash?

Master Your Sympathy

"Good Morning children, this morning we
Initiate our classes,
taking our pen and notebook ready and attentive
every few
of our seats."

In most small and action
would echo the words of Miss USA in that sentence.

But there, will get a
edge among each of these heads
aligned and tuned in the classroom.

When moving, fidgeting,

decentralize the class talking, jokes, jokes, and even eating paper

The Super Mega Hyper Agent


- Ah, Heriberto, you again!
going to class, do not want to do their homework

- No teacher
happens that my colleagues are slow to be
and my mission is to help you
namely, who is not right.

- Come then, come forward;

move his feet fast and teach their tasks on paper.



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