Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Transferring Boat Title In Mississippi

Bike Challenge Adventure Elx in Superprestigio Massi - Open Btt

Bike Adventure Team Elx has participated in the last two rounds of Superprestigio Massi - Open de Espanya Btt , reaping great results. On March 28 Huelva moved up to contest the second round counting towards the championship our corridors Adelino Moll and Roberto Sánchez .

In the first race at 10 am, Roberto Sánchez getting a magnificent 15 Place on a path of just over 6 km. Thanks to this excellent result, the corridor Bike Adventure Elx could be in position 17 overall.
At 12 noon there was the start of the race where our corridor Élite/Sub23/Sub21 Adelino Moll, after a magnificent finishing output at position 19, entering the goal on 25 scratch. This great result is raised to position 28 overall, Superprestigio Massi - Open de Espanya Btt.

The third test scoring of Superprestigio -Open of Spain Massi BTT was held Sunday in the Asturian town of Aviles on a circuit designed in the fringes of the sports complex of the Quirinal. Bike racers Adventure Elx that moved there were Adelino Moll, Roberto Sánchez and Moll Saor.

At 10 am there was the outlet for the Masters categories, Feminism, Juniors and Cadets, where Roberto Sánchez ended in a magnificent tenth position, making a run from less to more. This excellent result is up to the eleventh position in the overall Master-30.

Two hours later kicked off the race for categories Élite, Sub-23 y Sub-21. Estos debían completar seis vueltas al duro circuito de poco mas de 6 km. Adelino Moll conseguía terminar en la posición 16 y entrando en meta el 22 scratch, acabando así en su mejor posición en lo que va de campeonato. Nuestro otro representante Saoro Moll terminaba en la posición 12 y 57 scratch. De esta manera nuestro corredores del Bike Aventura Elx consiguen afianzarse en la general de sus respectivas categorías. Adelino Moll se sitúa en el 19 lugar Élite y Saoro Moll el 16 en Sub-21.
La próxima prueba de este Superprestigio Massi - Open de Espanya Btt se disputará Vall de Lord (Lleida) on 9 May.


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