Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Do Sebaceous Need To Be Removed

Adelino Moll third in Barraca d'Aigues Vives

El pasado domingo se disputó la cuarta prueba del Open de la Comunidad Valenciana en la localidad valenciana de la Barraca d'Aigües Vives. En una soleada mañana, el circuito estaba diferenciado por dos sectores: el primero por anchas y empinadas calles de urbanización y el segundo por sendas y bajadas rápidas que no dejaban descanso alguno a los corredores, que debían de dar 5, 4 y 3 vueltas. El Bike Aventura Elx acudió a la carrera con Adelino Moll y Saoro Moll .
Élites/Sub23 In the race there was no clear dominator, and it was not until the fourth round where Antonio Torres (5C Unionbike ) took the lead until the end so as to achieve victory, ahead of the leader Josep Betalú ( Pregress Cycling ) and Adelino Moll, who also came to occupy the top spot in the race. According to the broker told us Bike Adventure Elx to end "the race was very tactical. From the beginning we Betalú, Torres, Benito and I though that Benito Betalú tried to escape in order to leave them. When Benito has been achieved and broken the chain has been Betalú to help. Torres and I have used to leave the two, but on the fourth lap I started having cramps and I could not keep up. Shortly after Betalú catch me, which was very easy and I have been gone. I finally visited the deck man ...".

Moreover, Moll Saor suffered another puncture in the race, but this time was able to pit and change the wheel in order to reach goal fourth, behind Vincent Solbes ( Kadus Gusts ). The race was won by the leader JA Gonzalez (CC Monóvar ) ahead of Nacho Ramón (Eurolist ).

After the fourth round of the HP Open Adelino Moll placed second overall with 114 points, behind J. Betalú with 132. In U23 Saor Moll up to third place with 111 points.


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