Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wedding Reception Wording In Spanish

Animatronics Dinosaur in the Rural. Arctotherium

the estate of Palermo in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has been rocked by an invasion of prehistoric animals on display in a show that has delighted young and old, from one of the parks spectacular that exists on Earth, located in San Juan Province in northwestern Argentina, a thousand meters above sea level "Ichigualasto" stands proud of its dinosaurs, from there came to surprise and strangers, displaying the history and competition, the evolution of the species that dominated the Triassic, dinosaurs and crocodiles proto. They lived incredibly years ago in the Triassic, moved by the world dominated by 130 million years between the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

This collection of fossils Ichigualasto Park is one of the largest in the world, trapped by palaeontological interest has been declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2000.

Ischigualasto bases its value and importance in the wild landscape and its unique paleontological requisition.

His fame lies in the large number of fossils que yacen, condensados, desde el período triásico de la Era Secundaria que comenzara hace unos 248 millones de años y que se caracterizó por la expansión de los primeros dinosaurios y mamíferos.

Cuando alguien arriba al Parque Provincial Ischigualasto, es recibido por el guía, quien le proporciona todas las instrucciones de cómo se llevará a cabo el recorrido y las recomendaciones a tener en cuenta durante el mismo.

La organización en la rural no se ha quedado atrás, brindan folletería y un stand donde van guiando de igual manera al visitante, pero, hay que apurarse, debido que few days left until January 1, 2010.

Those lucky ones who can access a vacation, you can go to San Juan, but know all there at Palermo Mega Dinosaurs exhibition of the best of Ichigualasto Park.

can see, Paleontology lovers and those with a spirit of curiosity as the mammalian proto Exaeretodon, cynodont of actual lion-like texture; Ichigualastia, proto dicynodonts mammal the size of a modern rhinoceros, Eoraptor the oldest dinosaur ever recorded worldwide; Saurosuchus, one of the most voracious crocodiles proto Ichigualasto; Frengüellisaurus, the largest carnivorous dinosaur registered for the Triassic; Sillosuchus, proto crocodile biped skeleton very lightened and styled; Fasolasuchus, proto larger crocodile and giant carnivorous world first ; Lessemsaurus, pro sauropod dinosaur 19 meters high and almost 6.

The sample has a total of 27 animals embodied, distributed in four scenes, with fronts that reach 20 meters wide. Also on display 8 skeletons, including one measuring 19 meters long and 6 tall.
whole route is accompanied by warning signs and graphics that explain each step so that the visitor is watching. The writing is easy reading, containing general explanations about the context and details of the parts with the same simplicity these monsters dominated our planet Earth can now give us the pleasure of admiring the Rural.
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