Monday, May 16, 2011

Christian Phrase Of The Day

VIII novelda progress with 2 trophies for the city of Elche

team elx bike adventure moves to the start of Novelda VIII corresponds to the third circuit prueva Alicantino scoring, which was 41 kilometers very broken legs. four riders of the team made a good race in the category of female Estela Belda was placed first in its category , going back to the podium with the podium Estela Belda placed first in the general classification very prominently from the rest of participants

also highlight Mateo Adrián also makes first in the cadet category with our top ranking in Novelda, placed third overall although Elda's career could not finish the test due to mechanical problems.
Alejandro Coves entered the top 100 and quarter of the under 23 category, with this result Alejandro placed second overall clarification.

The next circuit will be in Ibi Alicantino on 5 June. expect the same or better than in Novelda.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Counter Strike Small Screen Fix It

Mateo Adrián debut in the Criterium of Murcia with good taste.

On Sunday May 1st Cadet corridor bike-adventure, Adrian Murcia moves to the capital to compete in his first race in the highway mode, ran in the cadet category and females, with a important role of brokers, nearly a hundred, at 10 am there was the exit, the race winner Juan Antonio Conesa , Roldán CC has achieved in his last stroke kidney on the finishing line a few meters to overtake his teammate Miguel A. Ballesteros.

cintuenta The remaining seven classified entered at the same time that the young cadet Conesa second year after covering the 48 km route in '20 1h.16 "to an average of 37'730 k / h, Adrian despite his inexperience in this mode was seen throughout the race at the top of the pack and try to find the leak jumping several unsuccessful trips, was a career that usually comes in a pack sprint at the end managed to finish the race in the main pack in the same time as the winner.
The young rider is preparing for his mountain bike season and try to reconcile with a road race to gain experience in this modality.
The next May 8 Adrian and the rest of the team's riders moved at the town of elda to play the 2nd test circuit mountains of Alicante where Adrian is a leader in the cadet category, from here we want luck to the team.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Have Cancer No Symptoms

Argentina Journal of Paleontology Paleo. Number 55 and 56. May 2011. Vote

Paleo , Argentina Journal of Paleontology No. 55 and 56. And you can download it for free to your PC from


Magazine Content:

01 - Diani cactiformis, a possible ancestor of the arachnids of the Paleozoic Era.

02 - pose new hypotheses on Paleoclimatology in the Age of Dinosaurs.

03 - Ruled fossilized heart of a Thescelosaurus.

04 - Homotherium venezuelensis, a hypercarnivorous of Venezuela.

05 - Growing controversy over alien fossils.

06 - A fossil found in Peru raises questions about the extinction of the dinosaurs.

07 - A new crustacean Miocene of Europe.

08 - Pachycrocuta brevirostris, had their jaws that dominated Europe.

09 - Angolatitan Adamastor, a new dinosaur in Angola.

10 - Atacamatitán chilensis, a huge sauropod dinosaurs found in Chile.

11 - Studying human presence in Uruguay in the late Pleistocene.

12 - Burrows of crustaceans from the Miocene of Murcia.

13 - Oxalaia quilombensis, the theropod dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Brazil.

14 - find footprints of sauropods in the Jurassic of Uruguay.

15 - A cricket than 100 million years ago surprised scientists.

16 - Tiarajudens eccentricus a therapsids Triassic of Brazil.

17 - Galeaplumosus abilus, a sea creature with tentacles and wings.

18 - New fossil finds in the Tatacoa.

19 - Found the first complete skull of a mastodon in Chile.

20 - Discovery of the Ordovician paleobotanical remains the province of Jujuy.

popular articles in the Journal:

01 - The sauropod dinosaur (Sauropoda) from the Cretaceous of Argentina.

02 - Pedro de Angelis, constitute one of the leading figures of historical science Argentina during the nineteenth and twentieth century. Paleo
Brief: News in a few lines.

01 - A shrimp from the Cretaceous of Amazonas.

02 - Plant 600 million years ago in eastern China.

03 - Gastrotheca guentheri, a frog with teeth.
Permanent Magazine Contents:
01 - As a publisher.

02 - Summary or Abstract.

03 - Readers.

04 - Statistical distribution.

05 - The fossil of the Month: Tremacebus harringtoni,

06 - The fossil of Bimestre: Protocetus Atavus,

07 - PaleoHumor:

08 - Books recommended by Dinofilos.

Contents of the Journal:
01 - Found in Canada, an Ankylosaurus fossils.

02 - hominids like Lucy walked upright.

03 - Pamparaptor micros, a new dinosaur from Patagonia Argentina.

04 - Leefructus, a new botanical taxon of China.

05 - The ocean ventilation governed global warming periods

06 - Studies in the ring scleral ring showing several dinosaurs Night sight.

07 - confirmed the discovery of a sauropod dinosaur in Colombia.

08 - detect traces of chitin in the fossil of a giant scorpion terrifying Devonian Period.

09 - Super bugs found and the remains of the Cretaceous in the Chilean Antarctic.

10 - Bufo viridis fossils discovered in the Middle Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula.

11 - Miramar, a wealth of fossilized to know.

12 - On the reproduction of dinosaurs.

13 - Tooth fossil of a shark Edestus in Kentucky, USA.

14 - Daemonosaurus Chauliodus demonstrates unique dental characteristics of Triassic.

15 - Dinosaurs, turtles and crocodiles in the Cretaceous of Villa El Chocon.

16 - Recover Glossotherium remains in the Pleistocene of Villa Ocampo.

17 - Fossil of a Cretaceous mammal clarifies the evolution of the ear.

18 - A top Cabonífero flying insect of North America.

19 - marine fossils in the Egyptian desert.

20 - Nephila Jurassica, the largest spider in the Jurassic.

21 - Pelagornis chilensis could be the biggest bird in the world.

22 - Hamatus labidosaurus, a primitive reptile tooth infection.
popular articles in the Journal:

01 - The American Marsupials.

02 - Henry Fairfield Osborn. One of the most prominent American paleontologists.

03 - The first discoveries of sauropod dinosaurs (Saurischia - Sauropoda) during the first decade of XXI century in the Cretaceous of Argentina.

Paleo Brief: News in a few lines.
01 - Notable findings in the Toropí.

02 - In Morelia, Mammoth fossils found in Ciudad Universitaria.
Permanent Magazine Content:
01 - As a publisher.

02 - Summary or Abstract.

03 - Readers.

04 - Statistical distribution.

05 - The fossil of the Month: Ramapithecus.

06 - The fossil of Bimestre: Eobasilus.

07 - PaleoHumor:
08 - Books recommended by Dinofilos.

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