Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Have Cancer No Symptoms

Argentina Journal of Paleontology Paleo. Number 55 and 56. May 2011. Vote

Paleo , Argentina Journal of Paleontology No. 55 and 56. And you can download it for free to your PC from


Magazine Content:

01 - Diani cactiformis, a possible ancestor of the arachnids of the Paleozoic Era.

02 - pose new hypotheses on Paleoclimatology in the Age of Dinosaurs.

03 - Ruled fossilized heart of a Thescelosaurus.

04 - Homotherium venezuelensis, a hypercarnivorous of Venezuela.

05 - Growing controversy over alien fossils.

06 - A fossil found in Peru raises questions about the extinction of the dinosaurs.

07 - A new crustacean Miocene of Europe.

08 - Pachycrocuta brevirostris, had their jaws that dominated Europe.

09 - Angolatitan Adamastor, a new dinosaur in Angola.

10 - Atacamatitán chilensis, a huge sauropod dinosaurs found in Chile.

11 - Studying human presence in Uruguay in the late Pleistocene.

12 - Burrows of crustaceans from the Miocene of Murcia.

13 - Oxalaia quilombensis, the theropod dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Brazil.

14 - find footprints of sauropods in the Jurassic of Uruguay.

15 - A cricket than 100 million years ago surprised scientists.

16 - Tiarajudens eccentricus a therapsids Triassic of Brazil.

17 - Galeaplumosus abilus, a sea creature with tentacles and wings.

18 - New fossil finds in the Tatacoa.

19 - Found the first complete skull of a mastodon in Chile.

20 - Discovery of the Ordovician paleobotanical remains the province of Jujuy.

popular articles in the Journal:

01 - The sauropod dinosaur (Sauropoda) from the Cretaceous of Argentina.

02 - Pedro de Angelis, constitute one of the leading figures of historical science Argentina during the nineteenth and twentieth century. Paleo
Brief: News in a few lines.

01 - A shrimp from the Cretaceous of Amazonas.

02 - Plant 600 million years ago in eastern China.

03 - Gastrotheca guentheri, a frog with teeth.
Permanent Magazine Contents:
01 - As a publisher.

02 - Summary or Abstract.

03 - Readers.

04 - Statistical distribution.

05 - The fossil of the Month: Tremacebus harringtoni,

06 - The fossil of Bimestre: Protocetus Atavus,

07 - PaleoHumor:

08 - Books recommended by Dinofilos.

Contents of the Journal:
01 - Found in Canada, an Ankylosaurus fossils.

02 - hominids like Lucy walked upright.

03 - Pamparaptor micros, a new dinosaur from Patagonia Argentina.

04 - Leefructus, a new botanical taxon of China.

05 - The ocean ventilation governed global warming periods

06 - Studies in the ring scleral ring showing several dinosaurs Night sight.

07 - confirmed the discovery of a sauropod dinosaur in Colombia.

08 - detect traces of chitin in the fossil of a giant scorpion terrifying Devonian Period.

09 - Super bugs found and the remains of the Cretaceous in the Chilean Antarctic.

10 - Bufo viridis fossils discovered in the Middle Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula.

11 - Miramar, a wealth of fossilized to know.

12 - On the reproduction of dinosaurs.

13 - Tooth fossil of a shark Edestus in Kentucky, USA.

14 - Daemonosaurus Chauliodus demonstrates unique dental characteristics of Triassic.

15 - Dinosaurs, turtles and crocodiles in the Cretaceous of Villa El Chocon.

16 - Recover Glossotherium remains in the Pleistocene of Villa Ocampo.

17 - Fossil of a Cretaceous mammal clarifies the evolution of the ear.

18 - A top Cabonífero flying insect of North America.

19 - marine fossils in the Egyptian desert.

20 - Nephila Jurassica, the largest spider in the Jurassic.

21 - Pelagornis chilensis could be the biggest bird in the world.

22 - Hamatus labidosaurus, a primitive reptile tooth infection.
popular articles in the Journal:

01 - The American Marsupials.

02 - Henry Fairfield Osborn. One of the most prominent American paleontologists.

03 - The first discoveries of sauropod dinosaurs (Saurischia - Sauropoda) during the first decade of XXI century in the Cretaceous of Argentina.

Paleo Brief: News in a few lines.
01 - Notable findings in the Toropí.

02 - In Morelia, Mammoth fossils found in Ciudad Universitaria.
Permanent Magazine Content:
01 - As a publisher.

02 - Summary or Abstract.

03 - Readers.

04 - Statistical distribution.

05 - The fossil of the Month: Ramapithecus.

06 - The fossil of Bimestre: Eobasilus.

07 - PaleoHumor:
08 - Books recommended by Dinofilos.

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