Thursday, January 27, 2011

Boson Netsim User Guide

angustidens. The scientist Leopold Soibelzon the Museo de La Plata introduce novelty.

A copy of the largest bear that has inhabited the Earth - the species' Arctotherium angustidens'-standing that was three feet and weighed in the balance over 1.5 tons, was recovered in the Museum of Natural Sciences in Buenos Aires city of La Plata , the first and richest in South America. Dr. Leopoldo Soibelzon Paleontology in devoted to the task of identify and assemble all the bones copy, as lived species is calculated in the Pleistocene, during the Ice Age, 2.59 million years ago. In the magazine "Paleo" number 53, you may accederv more information and pictures of this amazing discovery.
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