Sunday, March 6, 2011

Getting Life Insurance With Lupus

Argentina Journal of Paleontology. March 2011. number 53 and 54 together.

Paleo, Argentina Journal of Paleontology No. 53 and 54. And you can download it for free to your PC from

Magazine Content NUMBER 53:

Content of the Journal:

01 - Arctotherium angustidens, the largest bear of all time.
02 - Neptunidraco ammoniticus, a new species of crocodile Italian Jurassic.
03 - human ancestors faced the threat of saber-toothed.
04 - Sharks Found Cretaceous fossils in Lamarque.
05 - Japanese want to revive a mammoth with DNA from a fossil.
06 - Quaternary fossil logs discovered in Spain.
07 - Eodromaeus murphi, the ancestor of the theropod dinosaur was found in the Triassic of Argentina.
08 - paleobotanical Carboniferous fossil find.
09 - Iberica hahnium, a small mammal from the Cretaceous of Teruel.
10 - Homo sapiens and Neanderthals had similar longevity.
11 - Fernando Novas, one of the most renowned paleontologists.
12 - Found bacteria in fossil stromatolites Neuquén.
13 - discovered fossil remains of a seal Monachus in the Holocene of Cantabria.
14 - Sabalites longirhachis, Catalonia had palm trees in the Upper Cretaceous.
15 - Neanderthals, humans fed up
16 - great-grandmother discovered the crocodile was found in Texas.
17 - Xenicibis xympithecus, a bird from the late Pleistocene of Jamaica.
18 - The Museum Tuyu Mapu recovered the remains of a Lomaphorus, a Pleistocene gliptodonte.
19 - Members of the Group visited the exhibition Paleo Dinosaur Planet in Mar del Plata.
popular articles in the Journal:
01 - The Jurassic Dinosaurs known Argentino.
02 - Francisco Podesta. A teacher naturalist and search behemoth. Paleo
Brief: News in a few lines.
01 - dinosaur tooth discovered in Mexico.
02 - Rincon Colorado is a victim of looting.
03 - Forest Najasa fossil.
04 - will be exposed oldest shark fossil in the world.
Permanent Magazine Contents:
01 - As a publisher.
02 - Summary or Abstract.
03 - Readers.
04 - Statistical distribution.
05 - The fossil of the Month:
06 - The fossil of Bimestre:
07 - PaleoHumor:
08 - Books recommended by Dinofilos.

Content of the Journal NUMBER 54:

Magazine Content:
01 - find footprints of Artcodus simus in the U.S..
02 - Arvicola St. James, a rodent of the Pleistocene of Atapuerca.
03 - presents nine studies on the flying reptiles.
04 - Linhenychus monodactylus, a dinosaur that had a finger.
05 - Castellón recovered in a Cretaceous sauropod femur.
06 - Australopithecus afarensis, closer to the apes.
07 - discovered marine fossils from the Oligocene of the Netherlands.
08 - Titanoceratops, a new giant among Triceratops.
09 - Eupodophis descouensi, explain the origin of snakes.
10 - Chilean researchers found fossils of mosasaurs and plesiosaurs in Antarctica.
11 - Leonerasaurus taquetrensis, a new dinosaur from the Jurassic of Argentina.
12 - Traces of Magnoavipes vegrandiunis Gruipeda denaliensis and Cretaceous of Alaska.
13 - Primate fossils and other curiosities fossiliferous de Cuba.
14 - Recover pliosaur fossils of the Cretaceous of Colombia.
15 - Found most of the Cenozoic fossils Late on the banks of the Rio Bermejo.
16 - find fossils of multicellular organism would be the oldest.
17 - An American dinosaur with muscle strength.
18 - Petrobrasaurus, found on oil drilling in northern Patagonia.
19 - Amphiperatherium frequens, a marsupial mammal from the Miocene of Castellón.
20 - concerned about the destruction paleontologist at the Emilia.
popular articles in the Journal:
01 - Miquel Crusafont, a Catalan scientist recognized internationally.
02 - Natural selection has its arrhythmia, but still the engine of biological evolution.
03 - Some faunal and botanical curiosities in the Jurassic of Argentina.
04 - William Henry Hudson, a true pioneer and naturalist
Paleo Brief: News in a few lines.
01 - XXVII Symposium of Paleontology.
02 - A forest fossilized in Antarctica.
Permanent Magazine Contents:
01 - As a publisher.
02 - Summary or Abstract.
03 - Readers.
04 - Statistics distribution.
05 - The fossil of the Month: Enaliarctos.
06 - The fossil of Bimestre: Otaria flavencens.
07 - PaleoHumor:
08 - Books recommended by Dinofilos.

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