Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Am Wet Before Period, Why

fossils in the city of Miramar.

El Museo Municipal de la ciudad de Miramar no deja de sorprender por sus hallazgos de restos fósiles pertenecientes a los últimos 3,5 millones de años. No solo el personal del museo busca constantemente material paleontológico para ampliar la colección y la exhibición del mismo, sostiene Daniel Boh, museólogo y titular de la institución, “los turistas y residentes, dieron un claro ejemplo sobre el cuidado patrimonial y natural de nuestro distrito”, sostuvo.

En la pasada temporada fueron realizados varios hallazgos por visitantes of our city and local residents reported to the Municipal Museum Punta Hermengo of Miramar. In some cases materialized fieldwork for redemption and others, were taken directly to the institution.

Among them we have the case of Juan Ignacio and Josephine Contardi, Rosario, Santa Fe, found a large shell fragment Glyptodon, north of Miramar, in an area of \u200b\u200bdifficult access these cliffs, whose age would be about 500,000 years.

For his part, Juan Manuel Aliaga, Tucumán, Miguel Lillo Institute investigator, made the finding remains of a Scelidodon, whose skull was rescued with the help of Mariano Magnussen Saffer, Axel Petersen and Francisco Elguero, in addition to the Museum Director Daniel Boh. The specimen was found in the canyons to the north, in layers of more than 2 million years.

also near the sites was found by Francisco De Cianni Federal Capital, an ancient land snail, Succinea meridionalis. The findings of this kind are difficult given the fragility of them. Keep in mind that these mollusks were currently displaced by the snails that were brought for cooking and who have invaded their habitats. The fossil specimen rescued has a length of nearly 3 million years.

The Cepeda family, residents of Miramar, has brought us Megatherium bone fragments, the largest prehistoric mammal in our region, with about 4 feet high. They were found abandoned in a place near the creek Chocori, up to Highway 88. No one knows how they got there and would correspond to an adult animal.

Finally, in the resort of Mar del Sud, Laureano Clavero made the discovery of half a stone mortar used by the ancient inhabitants of the region. Its age would be in 1000 years.

We note the concern of these residents and tourists to give notice of the occurrence of these specimens, which enrich the already important collection of the museum of the city. For its part, Mariano Magnussen Saffer, president of the Association of Friends of the Museum, commented that "the material is found and restored in preparation for its next exhibition, in order to send data to the Official Register of the Enforcement Authority (AAN) of the Act 25,743 in paleontological and archaeological, which protects the heritage of all, "he concluded.

A good choice for this long weekend for visitors to the Atlantic coast, is Miramar, the city of children and family. There, the Municipal Museum Punta Hermengo, located in the heart of the nursery Dune "Florentino Ameghino", a forest of 502 acres on forested dunes, an option not to be missed! More information


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