Saturday, April 9, 2011

Training With Hard Wax In New Jersey

Municipal Museum of Natural Sciences Lorenzo Scaglia de Mar del Plata. Triassic Period

Tasks and work in the Laboratory of Paleontology Area Municipal Museum of Natural Sciences de Mar Lorenzon Scaglia del Plata. Quartzitic rocks that form the mountains of Mar del Plata were formed from marine sediments for some 480 million years. At that time there were no plants or animals on land, at sea even if there were complex forms of life whose traces are shown in the slabs in the area.

registration marplatense geological history is very fragmentary. After the formation of quartzite environmental conditions did not allow the accumulation of sediments and the preservation of fossils. Here you can see several annelids slabs with impressions of some 480 million years.

The geological record is restarted about 4 million years of sediment deposition we see today in the coastal cliffs and quarries of red earth, with no intermediate records such as the Mesozoic Era, and much of the Cenozoic .

These sediments contain a rich fauna of vertebrate fossils, some of which are set out in the first floor room as the giant sloth americanum megaterium about 4 feet high, or Scelododon. Battleships and Glyptodonts popular: as the Sclerocalyptus ornatus, Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis, Glyptodon munizii and reticulatus Glyptodon represented and 2 skeletons, 2 shells, skulls and other remains. Also seen ancient skulls notoungulados as Trigodon and Chasicotherium.

Another oddity of the Tertiary, are the fossil remains of a giant carnivorous bird runner, called Hermosiornis about 2 meters high, and the saber-toothed marsupial called Thylacosmilus atrox, the emblem of our institution .

Fossil remains of fauna of North American origin, who came to our region when they joined the two Americas, as the saber-toothed cats (Smilodon), the Hippidion, an extinct horse before the arrival of the first settlers and Stegomastodonte proboscidea an extinct elephant.

In an adjacent room, visitors can see the skeletons of Hadrosaur Kritosaurio australis Black River Cretaceous (70 million years ago) and Jurassic carnivore Floresi Piatnizkysaurus Santa Cruz (160 million years ), along with remains of flying reptiles and primitive vertebrate Triassic Period.

paleontology collections of the Museum, were those that gave rise to this institution. Today it has a collection of 5 000 copies from different regions of the country and the world, among them, there are over one hundred unique pieces of great scientific value.

Museum More info on the site / web / museoscaglia


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